This is such a fun book to read to second graders! They will sit on the edge of the seats as you complete this cute read aloud! The Best Seat in Second Grade, by Katherine Kenah, is perfect for the first days of school, before going on a field trip, or any time of the year. Second graders need to practice reading and writing skills all year. This unit is filled with many practice pages, perfect for small group reading, morning work, or independent practice.
The Best Seat in Second Grade Summary
What do George Wahington, A second grader, and picking out the best seat in the classroom have in common? The making of the perfect read-aloud for your second graders.

Sam the second grader brings George Washington, the class hamster, on a field trip! The fun has just begun in this cute book when the hamster does not stay in Sam’s pocket as he had planned…

This Level Two I Can Read is mainly geared toward students who read independently, but may still need a little help.
I strongly encourage this read aloud to be read with more detail. The pictures in the book are good but voice inflection will really help keep their attention. This book has four short chapters: Hamster Helper, Pocket Rider, The Animal Zone, and Sam’s Favorite Subject.

Beginning of the School Year
This book is perfect to read at the beginning of the year to discuss following the rules and chores around the classroom. Sam has yet to be chosen as the hamster helper, and he desperately wants to be. Learning how to control yourself can be easily done with this book! Sam can barely stand it when someone else is picked – lots of lessons to be taught here!

I made a Book unit to go along with the story. I can use the pages early in the school year for my higher readers and then the lower readers can use the book more independently at the end of the year! They love the story and have always enjoyed rereading the book!

The Best Seat In Second Grade Questions
Since Sam decides to take things into his own hands and sneaks George Washington on the trip, will things work out for him? Well, things work out until he accidentally loses the hamster in a cage full of hamsters! They will love the book!
Are you looking for more book units? I love using these in small group reading! Check them out!
[…] icebreakers. Let’s make it easy to teach life lessons – Activities for Enemy Pie and The Best Seat in Second Grade are super easy to implement in your classroom […]
[…] icebreakers. Let’s make it easy to teach life lessons – Activities for Enemy Pie and The Best Seat in Second Grade are super easy to implement in your classroom […]